5 Friendly Tips to Make Studying Easy and Comfortable

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5 Friendly Tips to Make Studying Easy and Comfortable

Studying Easy and Comfortable

Some enjoy studying, but in reality, most people do not. Especially nowadays when responsibilities are mountainous here and there, and time seems to be running faster than ever. There are many other things that require people’s attention and effort. At the same time, there are many other things that people want to do instead of studying. This makes studying feel burdensome for many people. 


Nonetheless, education is very important. As students, you know you complain but you still do it anyway.


Since you cannot really change anything at the moment as you are a student, you can make your studying approach better instead. You can adjust and modify your way of studying to make studying less of a hassle. Take note of this list. Below are x tips to make studying easy and comfortable.

1 - Avoid studying similar topics in one sitting.

Variety is very helpful when trying to take in manifold information. It lets your brain categorize and organize thoughts and ideas more clearly and accurately.


For you to be able to do that, avoid studying similar topics in one sitting. One obvious way to perform that is by taking long breaks in between reading and trying to digest similar lessons. But a smart technique is to arrange the lessons you are going to study, ordering them in such a way where they are distributed and divided according to the diversity of their topics.


You can avoid confusion and a chaotic mix of all the things you have read once they all meet each other inside your head. This gives your brain time to process the lessons in a smooth and seamless manner. Though you need to go through very similar topics in one day, how you line them up for your review will make a huge difference.

2 - Check out the pages before reading.

Do not surprise yourself. Check out the pages of your book or of the slides of the virtual presentation you have to study for your exam. Skim over it a bit.


Doing so either gives you relief or makes you hate the number of pages, but regardless, the important benefit is that it mentally prepares you for what lies ahead, literally. Emotionally, it also does.


This helps you in setting expectations about the length and weight of the lessons you are about to face. Through that, you can get your energy, your alertness and your patience ready. Fuel up before you drive through the pages of your books or e-books.


Manage your time wisely and competently as well. You will be able to handle your studying speed according to the time you have and the lessons you have to tackle in review.

3 - Start early.

Every student knows that this is a crucial key, but many still ignore or forget. Starting early is a major hack for studying easily and comfortably. Every second counts, and it will highly be of advantage for you if you value each of it.


Study a week before or 2 days before. You will be very relaxed and stress-free before your test day comes. It will also give you extra time to double-coat your reviewing and re-check other lessons you find difficult. If you only have the day before the exam to study for it, then as much as possible, study early in the morning. You can avoid losing your good night rest and sleep. You can avoid the dreadful effects of cramming, too.


The deadline is considered by many as the most effective motivation, but it’s not the best mindset to have. Cramming makes you skip other lessons and urges you to go too swiftly, which eventually results in poor quality of your studying. What happens is you fail to clearly comprehend and remember the details you must keep in mind.


Starting early allows you to be calm and collected while studying. There will be no unnecessary panicking, and it will bring out the best from your memory and understanding.

4 - Take breaks – they’re essential.

Yes, you want to do your best to study, and you want to maintain the momentum once you have it, but rest, too. Take breaks. They are very essential to help you recharge your mind and verve. Your brain is limited. Overloading it with information in every corner of it will negatively affect you. You might get drained. Instead of storing your lessons well, they might be put to waste if your mind gets discombobulated and disoriented in the middle of studying hard.


Give your mind time to breathe. Do not overwork it. Just as gadgets need recharging, you need downtime and easing off, too. Even schools, classes and online tutoring sessions make their students take breaks. You can go back to studying when you already got enough rest. You can generally do this if you have a lot of time, so indeed, just as mentioned before, starting early truly is a gem.

5 - Understanding more than memorizing.

Memorization is one of the biggest and inevitable tools needed when studying. For real, even when it’s not always the best approach to “learning”, for the sake of school exams and objective applications, it is a must.


Nevertheless, what can really help you study comfortably and easily is by prioritizing understanding way more than simply memorizing. Focus on understanding your lessons. That lets you remember them even after years, even when you do not need them anymore. You are not only making studying less hard, but also, you are making your learning last.



Soon when you graduate from school, you will somehow miss it a lot. It’s just that you are at it right now that it really is taxing. However, do something to make your studying experience less demanding and more laid-back. The above-mentioned tips are some of the tactics you can use and apply to your methods.


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Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. Quality and well-researched writing is her worthwhile avenue to enlighten and delight others about things that matter. She is a daytime writer for InFlow Education, expert  tutoring services in Australia. Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.







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