How our SAT preparation is more effective

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The SAT exam evaluates the written, verbal &mathematical skills of the candidates.

There are two types of SAT

·         SAT General Test and

·         SAT Subject Test is designed to measure a secondary school student's skill in a particular subject.

The Scholastic Assessment Test is a distinguished admission test and it is required to be given by those applicants who wish to seek admission to undergraduate programs chiefly in the USA. SAT scores are now used by more than 4,000 undergraduate programs in the USA and the SAT exam is conducted 4 times a year in India, in March, May, October, & December. The test is planned for the first Saturday of these months and it focuses more on the skills and information that you will likely encounter in high school, in college, & the job aspect.


While undertaking SAT prep with sat institute, it is significant to remember that the test is divided into 4 sections namely the Reading, Writing & Language, Mathematics, & an Optional Essay. With a total duration of three hours & 45 minutes, students are obligated to give the exam to the best of their skills.


Our SAT prep courses provide an intensive, complete, economical approach, such that each student is provided with special attention in their test. Scored out of 1600, a good score is measured that of a 1250+, but that again hinges on the university under consideration. Candidates can request this exam online & face no limits on the number of times that they can appear for the exam. The SAT scores are valid for a period of five years and the process to reach the scores takes 17-22 calendar days.


To study any undergraduate courses in the USA, students are obligated to meet certain eligibility standards. One such suitability criterion includes appearance for the SAT exam. During our SAT coaching, we guarantee to tap into the thinking ability of the children to efficiently solve problems & communicate, while at a similar time looking into your rudimentary classroom skills such as Writing, Reading, and Mathematics & how well you put on that knowledge. All of the criteria are assessed in the exam and there is no negative marking for the reviewed version of the SAT.

One of the most salient features of our SAT coaching is a very strong focus on building the foundation & coupling the same with severe practice.

How our SAT Preparation Classes are the most effective

It is the main purpose of the SAT to provide institutions with a single point of judgment for all higher school students' college readiness. Your higher school GPA, classes finished, letters of recommendation from mentors, supplementary activities, and personal essays will all be considered by college officials when evaluating your test scores. Institutions give merit-based financial aid to the best candidates. Selecting which kids get scholarships and which do not is based on the test scores.

Our SAT preparation courses are very time-efficient & productive, making the greatest of your study time. Among the many assistances that our instructors provide to their students are their instructional methods, teaching expertise, and track records of success. Students who work with us gain topic knowledge and they also learn how to make efficient study schedules & how to use successful test-taking strategies.

What we offer

We always monitor performance on a common basis. Students & tutors benefit from the early detection of problems & changes to work methods that are mutually beneficial. We also provide you advice on how to progress your score based on your average performance in every section. We are dedicated to providing high-quality SAT preparation for our students. As a result of our years of classroom knowledge, we have developed lesson plans based on the current research on test prep teaching methods. For an SAT approach that has been proven to work recurrently, our teachers bring interesting teaching methods and track records of success.

Want to get trained with our SAT prep courses?

Clearing any misunderstandings of ideas is made easier by teachers, outstanding test preparation resources, & constant assistance during examinations done with our sat prep courses and you can contact Jamboree Education Pvt Ltd to get enrolled.

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