How Does IV Infusion Therapy Work?

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IV Infusion Therapy Work

DreamWork is an IV fusion therapy center that is ideal for people suffering from severe deficiencies and needing to make up for them quickly.


The treatment is performed by experienced healthcare professionals, who will put a catheter into a vein in your arm, then flush out any clots or other debris with special solutions. The healthcare professional will then inject a cocktail of vitamins and minerals into your bloodstream. This usually takes about an hour.


You'll feel better right away, but it can take up to four hours before you start feeling fully healed. If there are any complications with the treatment, you should call your healthcare professional immediately.


Your will healthcare professionals devise a customized combination of vitamins and electrolytes that you can receive by way of IV fluids. These nutrients are designed to help you with your symptoms and get back on your feet as quickly as possible.


The goal is to help you recover faster and be able to return home sooner than if we waited until the next day when it might be too late.


When your digestive system is not strong enough to process the vitamins and nutrients you need from the food it digests, IV therapy may be an option. Here are some FAQs that address some common concerns.


How Does the IV Infusion Process work?


If you're considering IV infusion therapy, the healthcare professional will begin by discussing the medical issues you need to correct. Depending on your needs, she will formulate the right blend of IV fluids that can restore good health and wellness in your body.


If you have certain chronic conditions like diabetes or kidney disease, our healthcare professionals may recommend an IV infusion therapy treatment plan that includes medications and/or supplements.


If you’re expected to need multiple IV therapy sessions, your healthcare professional may recommend alternatives. Central lines can be inserted into your chest or arm and stay there for an extended time.


If you want to improve your overall health and wellness, it's important to be proactive about your treatment plan. We encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced healthcare professionals so they can discuss all of your options for managing your condition(s).


The healthcare professional or assistant inserts a catheter into your arm and connects the IV fluid. You may feel mild discomfort when the needle pricks your skin, but after that, the procedure is painless. The entire process could take up to an hour and you’ll have a trained medical professional supervising you at all times.


An alternative to a port is a surgically implanted port. In future treatments, the needle can be inserted into the port to access your vein without sticking you. The port will be surgically removed after you’ve completed all your treatments.


What Makes IV Infusion Effective?


The body is a beautiful thing, but it's also kind of a mess.


Even if you're getting your nutrients from the best sources, there's still the risk that they'll just sit in your bloodstream and not get to where they need to go. This can lead to inflammation, digestive issues, and other problems that make you feel like crap.


But IV nutrition is different! It bypasses the digestive system altogether so that nutrients can immediately start restoring wellness in your body. And what's more? It's 90% more effective than eating healthy foods or taking supplements!


This means that while healthy foods and supplements can also help you, digesting them may result in the loss of at least 50% of the vitamins. So while it might be tempting to go with "the quick fix," remember: Your body will thank you later.


What are the benefits of infusion therapy?


Here are some of the reasons why getting an intravenous (IV) infusion is the way to go.


             A weak digestive system makes it hard to eat nutritious foods.

             A severe infection that needs intravenous medications, vitamins, and rests to get better.

             A dangerously low blood pressure (BP) level is the difference between life and death.

             A weak metabolism caused by a lack of food intake makes it difficult for the body to digest and convert food into energy.

             Severe dehydration and muscle spasms are often caused by sporting activity, strenuous physical exertion, or heavy sweating.

             Chronic fatigue and low energy levels are often the results of a lack of sleep.

             Hormonal imbalances

             Food poisoning

             The buildup of toxins in the body due to excessive alcohol consumption.

             For a healthy glow and body


Choosing a Certified Professional for IV Therapy


IV infusion therapy is both safe and effective. But, it's important to get treatment from a certified medical professional before starting the treatment, just to make sure there aren't any infections or contamination.


Before you get therapy, your healthcare professional will assess your medical history and talk with you about any recent illnesses or medicines you've been taking. She'll also ask about supplements and other things that go into making this kind of therapy work for you.


IV therapy is a customized approach that infuses your cells with the nutrients they need quickly and with maximum benefits.

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